- Sales Experience
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- Support
Sage Payment Solutions is part of a much larger parent company, The Sage Group, plc. which provides accounting and business management software worldwide. Their North American sister company is called Sage North America and is headquartered in Irvine, California. Sage Payment Solutions is a registered ISO/MSP for both Harris Bank and HSBC Bank USA. They offer brick and mortar debit and credit card processing solutions as well as various other processing services. Their full processing service portfolio includes credit and debit card processing, check and ACH payments, mobile payment solutions, cash advances, gift card processing, and virtual terminals.
Sage Payment Solutions is not accredited with the Better Business Bureau and does not have a rating with them. Although a business is under no obligation to be accredited with the Better Business Bureau, is does seem a little suspect that they do not have a rating. In the past, Sage Payment Solutions had an A- rating then dropped to a B+ rating, so it does raise concern as to why they were dropped a rating altogether. There were also complaints filed against them on the Better Business Bureau website which seemed to disappear along with the rating. Other popular complaint boards had few to no complaints but the overall consensus is whenever a business has a rating with the Better Business Bureau then drops that rating, it’s never a good sign.
Sage Payment Solutions uses the typical sales and marketing techniques that other Merchant Service Providers of their size do. They use partnerships, independent agents, and other Independent Sales Organizations. One of their more interesting partnerships is with ROAMpay. ROAMpay is a mobile processing solution that allows merchants to swipe their customers cards with most smartphones. ROAMpay is becoming very popular with Merchant Service Providers because it offers a mobile processing solution with a lot more security features than other mobile processing solutions like SquareUP. On their website, they advertise big bonuses and monetary incentives for becoming a partner with them and bringing in accounts. Although this is somewhat typical, it also can be disconcerting to potential merchants looking for credit card solutions because it brings the question of where their focus really is.
Based on numerous reports, Sage Payment Solutions has a three year auto renewing contract with an early termination fee. Both an auto renewing contract and a cancelation fee is always something to try and avoid. They do not advertise what their rates are on their website, so it is advised to call in order to get the full schedule and as always, it depends on they type of business. They offer both a tiered pricing structure as well as interchange plus.
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