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On August 28, 2024
Last modified:October 4, 2024

Summary: has had a lot of negative reviews filed against them and has an extremely poor Better Business Bureau rating, which will be discussed in more detail below. Payment Solutions, Inc. was founded in 1995 and is located in Plantation, Florida. They are a registered ISO/MSP of Wells Fargo Bank. They offer processing solutions in the retail, e-commerce, and mobile field. The firm was bought by Pipeline Data in 2005 but still does business under it’s own name. They use integration for e-commerce merchants and can also integrate with E-Bay. also offers e-check processing at the rate of five cents per check. has had a lot of negative reviews filed against them and has an extremely poor Better Business Bureau rating, which will be discussed in more detail below. is not accredited with the Better Business Bureau and has a D rating with them. Over the past three years, they’ve had 49 complaints filed against them with 25 closed within the past 12 months. Seven of the customers whom filed complaints felt that the response they received was unsatisfactory, none of those type of complaints were filed this year. However there was a complaint this year filed in March that failed to resolve. They do not allow anyone to read the complaints filed against them but whenever a business cannot resolve a client dispute it throws up a big red flag. Furthermore, their parent company, Pipeline Data Processing, Inc. is also not accredited with the Better Business Bureau and has a D+ rating themselves. They’ve had 109 complaints filed against them in the past three years. Ten of those complaints the customers felt their response from Pipeline Data was unsatisfactory, and one Pipeline Data failed to resolve. The majority of complaints for both businesses cited problems with product/service and billing/collection issues. has a heavy affiliate, independent agent, and sub-ISO focus to drive in new business. They advertise their affiliate program directly on their website and offer $200 for 15+ referrals generated monthly. They have multiple call centers across the United States offering their services. Although they do offer credit card processing solutions in several ways, it seems they’re generally known for e-commerce. One of the positive services this review has found is that also provides a shopping cart software for any website. Many merchant service providers only integrate a virtual gateway with third party shopping cart software, and although putting a shopping cart on a website is a relatively easy task, it’s nice that they take care of it for you. advertises their rates “as low as” 1% for retail merchants, and “as low as” 1.79% for e-commerce. It would be important to understand that if a business is considering signing with that those rates would only be qualified cards and only swiped debit in the case of retail merchants. All other types of cards would have additional surcharges. It’s advised to review the contract in writing before signing with as there are multiple complaints filed for undisclosed or hidden fees.



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    Posy Lane September 16, 2024 at 12:25 pm - Reply

    I sent them an email asking if they could beat the rates I am paying now. They were higher than what I am paying, and twice what I found another reputable vendor quoted.
    They sent me an email asking why I didn’t choose them, and so I told them about their rates compared to others. Then they sent an insulting email back in response.
    If they will treat me like crap before I am even a customer, I can’t imagine how they would treat me after I signed up.

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